pruned & unrooted

A Grounding in Gardening for the NOOBY gardener — by a NOOBY gardener



For a person, junk is junk — but for a plant, junk means HOME, MY HOME! SWEET JESUS!

We all know buying traditional plant containers (i.e. plant pots) at the store costs a lot of money, so why not save a few bucks and in the meantime rid some junk from your crib?

Here is an uncanny assortment of 10 Plant Containers being tossed around on the internet that you might wish to mimic or reinvent, each with a story of its own!

Here they are ordered from #1, being Least Difficult, to #10, being most Challenging:

    leff (small size) leff (small size) leff (small size) leff (small size) leff (small size) leff (small size) leff (small size)

  1. What is cheap, can hold dirt to grow plants, and is a renewable resource — well, renewable so long as you make use of the bathroom?

    Hi there

    Image courtesy of [Intuition Physician] at Intuition-Physician

    Toilet Paper Rolls! — and how aplenty they are. Simply cutting paper rolls in half, placing them in a makeshift mini greenhouse (as above), and filling them with soil — might just do the trick.

  2. Click this link HERE for a step-by-step process to start planting in your own recyclable toilet paper rolls!

  3. WAIT — don’t throw away your used tin cans!

    Hi there

    Image courtesy of [thegardenglove] at WordPress

    Having a can opener is like being given the gift of life.

    I’ve never been quite good at mathematics, but the equation would look something like this:

    Tin Can + Can Opener = INSTANT PLANT CONTAINER!!!

  4. For those with a bunch of CRAP…
    Hi there

    Image courtesy of [studioaflo] at


    *catches breath*

    That’s a whole lotta JUNK!

    Porcelain bowls and dishes, crates, and buckets — you name it. Start converting your warehouse of crap into something worthwhile! Your whole lotta junk can become a whole lotta PLANT as well!

  5. Oh hey — the family heirloom, your great grandmother’s antique teapot set, might just prove useful!
    Hey there

    Image courtesy of [hgtv] at

    Simply get an old tea pot — or a decorative one, fill it up with some dirt and a few seeds, and you will be well on your way to pimping up your yard, in tea etiquette style.

  6. Drink a lot of soda? And got a spare wall to garden on?

    Hi there

    Image courtesy of [buzzfeed] at

    Soda bottles are just FIZZING with plant potential.

  7. How many clowns plants can you fit in a car?

    belongs to

    Image courtesy of [dan330] at pinterest

    Objects such as this toy car don’t supply very much room for plant growth, but can certainly provide miniature plants, or small herbs, with a roadwork of opportunities

  8. Just take an old decent-sized toy car, pile the dirt into the dashboard, and follow the “map” of instructions on your seed packets as you would planting in a regular plant pot — and soon behold! Your plants will soon reach their destination somewhere in the atmosphere!

  9. The leaning tower of Planta
    Hi there

    Image courtesy of [studioaflo] at

    Moving indoors a little, this piece of furniture was once used for who knows what, but it is now a complete indoor garden. Now who wouldn’t want this beauty in their own home?

  10. Tire-d of the ordinary?

    Hi there

    Image courtesy of [Listotic] at Listotic

    Old, used tires are typically seen recycled in parks and other areas of recreational interest, but these tires are doing that much AND MORE!

    Who knew a tire could make such a perfect plant pot?

  11. These pirates are quite pretty and petite

    hi there

    Image courtesy of [tanglycottage] at WordPress

    Apparently, using a boat as a plant container can turn a lawn into an eery scene or a vibrant one.

    The dark and run-down boat in the top picture almost looks like a grave (the dark flowers don’t help either). However, the solid white painted boat in the bottom picture looks new, modern, and promising.

  12. Applying makeup on an old scar
    Hi there

    Image courtesy of [Listotic] at Listotic

    It’s not the easiest thing to do turning a shabby leftover tree stump into a flower bed. But with a chisel, a drill, and a creative eye, one can very successfully turn a rotting tree trunk into an almost sacred-like plant paradise.

  13. Follow this link HERE for easy-to-follow directions on converting that out-of-place tree stump in your yard!

    leff (small size) leff (small size) leff (small size) leff (small size) leff (small size) leff (small size) leff (small size)


  14. Fancy finding this organism in your laundry?

    Hi there

    Image courtesy of [milkwood] at WordPress

    Many know that fungus isn’t a plant, but the process of raising fungus is a popular growing activity for certain types of gardeners, and, apparently, a laundry basket packed in with straw can prove to be a Fung-tastic home for fungus.

    Just make sure to have a separate laundry basket for your clothes!

  15. Click HERE for a clever blog that instructs on mushroom cultivation!

leff (small size) leff (small size) leff (small size) leff (small size) leff (small size) leff (small size) leff (small size)

This post goes to show that a plant simply needs a container to grow in, whether it be a lawn, a plant pot, or a piece of junk.

But junk doesn’t have to look like junk.

Pay close attention to detail and one will discover flourishing beauty in Old Things made New.

In my next blog post, I WILL RANT

Next Post (click to read):


leaff (super small size)Image courtesy of [aopsan] at FreeDigitalPhotos

2 thoughts on “10 IDEAS to CONVERT YOUR JUNK into a PLANT PARADISE

  1. Those are such amazing ideas! It’s true everyday we collect and/or throw away so many things that would be so useful if we took the time to be creative about them. Definitely the best way to go green 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love #1 and #10! The toilet paper rolls look perfect for growing herbs, which is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now. And 10 is so cool. Now if only I had a yard… and a trunk laying around..


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